Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TUR35 news - live on NTVSPOR and Athens///Atina ve NTVSPOR'da canli!!

Hey everyone 

just wanted to let you know that I'm training in Greece before the Athens Olympic Week starts tomorrow officially (somehow the race starts on thursday thou). Everything is great and we are preparing hard for this one with my coach Dr. Malte Philippe. Although this is the beginning of a long road, things are looking great as we are working towards our mutual goal. 

Also I was live on NTVSPOR on friday  and you can watch the interview from the link below (my part starts from the min. 55) 


will update more during the race 

TUR 35


Herkese merhaba 

Atina'dan selamlar... Atina Olimpik yelken haftasi icin antrenorum Dr. Malte Philippe ile yogun bir calisma icerisindeyiz ve yeni basladigimiz bu zorlu yolculugun gidisatindan cok mutluyuz ve umutluyuz. Su siralar ortak hedeflerimiz icin yogun sekilde calisalarak, sorunlari adim adim alip yarislara teker teker hazilaniyoruz.. bu hafta Atina ve sadece Atina!... carsamba gunu baslayan yarislardan (esas yarislar persembe basliyor) sizlere daha sik haber vericegim

ayrica 14/16 programinda Sine Buyuka'nin konugu oldugum canli yayin roportajini da seyretmeyi unutmayin 
(55. dakikadan itibaren beni bulabilirsiniz )

ruzgariniz bol olsun

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