24-30 Ocak tarihleri arasinda Miami'de yapilan ISAF World Cup yarislarinin 2. ayagi olan Miami Olimpik siniflar haftasi bugun yapilan yarislarla sona erdi. 7 senedir ilk gercek sezonumun ilk yarisi olmasiyla ve de finn sinifinda 2. yarisim oldugundan dolayi rakiplerime gore tabir-i caiz ise amator kaldigim bu yarisi 37 kayit arasindan 31. bitirmeyi basardim. Sonuctan daha cok antrenorum Dr. Malte Philip'le bizi ilgilendiren esas konu rakiplerin analizi ve de yaris icerisinde teknik eksiklerimi belirlemekti. Avrupa, Dunya ve Olimpiyat madalyali bir cok sporcunun bulundugu bu yarislara katilmak bile cok buyuk bir deneyimdi benim icin. Su an hedef gorulen eksikler uzerinde yogunlasarak mart ayindan itibaren bir cok yarista performansimi test edip agustos sonunda San Francisco, Amerika'da yapilacak dunya sampiyonasi'na en iyi sekilde hazirlanmak.
Ayrica 31 Ocak 2010 Pazar gunu NTVSpor kanalinda saat 15:20'de yayinlanacak Ruzgarustu programinda yer alacak roportajimi da seyretmeyi unutmayin
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Hello everyone
the 2nd leg of the ISAF World Cup has just ended in Miami and I am proud to say that, as it is the beginning of my first real pro season since 2002 and my 2nd race in the Finn class, I finished 31st out of 37 registers. The purpose of the race for me and my coach Dr. Malte Philipp was to analyze the competition and detect my mistakes both technical and tactical. As there were many european, world and olympic medalist, even being able to race with this crowd was a great honor for me. The goal is to work really hard on our weaknesses and get ready at my best for the world championships in august in San Francisco, USA.
Also, another great news is that my first national TV interview will be aired on NTVSpor channel in Turkey tomorrow , 31st of Jan at 13:20 at GMT+2..
A link to the interview will be sent as soon as it is online
wish you all the best
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